Maps Driving Directions Road to Keraton Surakarta Indonesia

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keraton surakarta

Map Directions Road to Keraton Surakarta Indonesia - Surakarta in Indonesia, better known Solo Palace is a world heritage which we must guard and preserve us until whenever. As the cultural heritage of high historical value, certainly Keraton Surakarta has many stories of history and philosophy that we must learn. Besides Keraton Surakarta is also a historical and cultural sights, then to find out more about this Surakarta Palace direct visit we should look at, watch, and observe firsthand how the state of Surakarta Palace at this time. To go to the Keraton Surakarta is easy. For those who are located in the nearby city of Solo may have to know and memorize. But to the outside of the area or who have never been to the city of Solo, it will be a few obstacles to get to the Keraton Surakarta. Well through this post I will share about "Maps Driving Directions Road to Keraton Surakarta Indonesia" with this article in the hope that potential visitors Keraton Surakarta will be helped.

Maps Driving Directions Road to Keraton Surakarta Indonesia

keraton surakarta

keraton surakarta

keraton surakarta

keraton surakarta

Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat - To go to the Keraton Surakarta could through several channels here will be our home for several directions into the goal.

1. Public transit bus lines.

If you want to visit Kraton Surakarta with public transport bus ride you can get off at the terminal Tirtonadi Solo. To the East of Java towards your better off at the terminal Solo Tirtonadi then you can search for bus transportation to the town of Surakarta Palace or square north / intersection Gladag for IDR 2,500, -. You can also take a taxi with a fare of IDR 20,000,'s.

Google Map of the terminal Tirtonadi towards Keraton Solo

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To the direction of the city of Yogyakarta and Semarang you can get off at the fork in the road Kerten, so you do not have to get off at the terminal Tirtonadi Solo. Fork in the road transport Kerten too much towards Keraton Surakarta. Transportation options here are tricycles, taxis, and buses. From the road junction Kerten direction towards Keraton Solo just straight eastward to the intersection Gladag.

Google Map of the fork in the road Kerten towards Keraton Surakarta

2. Railway line

For those of you who visit the city of Solo by train, then you can get off at the train station Racing Solo. From this station you can take a bus or taxi to the Solo Palace.

Google Map of the station towards Keraton Surakarta Racing

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3. Air line

For those who boarded the plane for a visit to the city of Solo, the plane landed at the airport certainly Adi sumarmo Solo. From the airport you can take a taxi to the palace.

Google Map of airports Adi sumarmo towards Keraton Surakarta

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Keraton Surakarta Location In Google Map

Map Keraton Surakarta - And this following map complex Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat

View Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat in Larger Map

Keraton Solo - That's a map for directions to the Keraton Surakarta. With the map's directions expected for those of you who want to visit the Solo Palace will be little helped, so thank you.

For me the story while visiting the Keraton Surakarta can be read here.

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